• 11.16 2017

    COMI IAAC Meeting 2017 was held this November

    Following the meeting agenda, Prof. Xiongzhi Xue, Executive Director of COMI, delivered briefing about COMI activities in the past two years, and summarized COMI抯 progress on education, scientific re...

  • 11.15 2017

    COMI organized several workshops during the WOW2017

    Besides the main forum, COMI has also co-organized two high level academic workshops. On November 4th, the 2nd International Workshop on Marine Disaster Prevention and Mitigation was held in Wyndham G...

  • 11.08 2016

    Workshops Co-organized by COMI during WOW2016

    This workshop consists of two sessions, namely marine disaster prevention and response and marine disaster forecasting. Mr. Touch Seang Tana, member of the Economics, Social and Cultural Council, Offi...

  • 11.11 2015

    World Ocean Week 2015

    On behalf of Xiamen University, one of the organizers of WOW, COMI continued to co-convened the main forum-The 2015 International Ocean Forum in Xiamen & the 5th Ministerial Forum on Marine Sustainabl...

  • 06.09 2014

    The 8th Yingxue Forum Successfully Held

    The presentation and warm discussions were focused on function and metabolism of urban morphology, liaise scientific study with management decision making through environmental economics, environmenta...

  • 06.16 2013

    The 7th Yingxue Forum was successfully held

    Dr. Ye Zichuan, Senior R & D personnel of American ESRI Company made a keynote speech and introduced his research on ARCHYDRO - the hydrology and water resources module of ARCGIS, and water resource m...

  • 05.29 2012

    The 6th Yingxue Forum Successfully Held

    The forum was divided into two parts, the first part presided over by Prof. Ching-Ta Chuang and Prof. Ji Yicheng, Director of Center for Island Development. Xu Minqi, lecturer from Taiwan Ocean Univer...

  • 01.13 2012

    The 5th Yingxue Forum is Successfully Held on Forum, December 23, 2011

    The fifth Yingxue Forum was called up by Center for Oceans Policy and Law, COMI and hosted by center director, Prof. Xiaoqin Zhu. Prof. Huasheng Hong, the chief scientist of COMI, gave an opening rema...

  • 01.13 2012

    The 3rd Yingxue Forum is Successfully Held on March 25, 2011

    By looking back into her professional experiences on information sharing platform development in the past more than 10 years, Prof. Hong summarized that the development of information system and its a...

  • 01.13 2012

    The 4th Yingxue Forum is Successfully Held on Forum, July 22, 2011

    The 4th Yingxue Forum invited 6 experts to give keynote speech. Mr. Cai Wanghua, the senior Engineer of EIC introduced the methods of the National First Census of Pollution Sources, and the analyzed T...

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