
  • 01.23 2024

    Making the most of blue carbon opportunities

    The conservation and restoration of blue carbon ecosystems including mangroves, seagrass, tidal marshes, seaweed beds, and other ecosystems, offers the potential to mitigate climate change while providing a wide range of ecosystem services to coastal communities. The scientific concepts underlying the blue carbon concept have been established for over a decade with tangible outcomes, particular...

  • 11.13 2023

    Biodiversity experiments: open questions and future tasks

    Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems contain a large number of species and provide a large number of ecosystem services, in particular transformation of solar energy and carbon dioxide into biomass, fueling element cycles, soil formation, climate control and more. The role of biodiversity–ecosystem functioning experiments is to test what would happen if the number of species within an ecosystem ...

  • 06.02 2023

    Dirt-poor soils, pesky parasites and friendly fungi shape plant diversity in south-western Australia

    AbstractSouthwest Australia is a biodiversity hotspot, with the greatest plant diversity on severely phosphorus-impoverished soils. Non-mycorrhizal plant families (e.g., Proteaceae) feature prominently on the poorest soils, and are uncommon on richer soils.The ecological success of Proteaceae on severely impoverished soils can be explained by two traits. Almost all Proteaceae produce cluster ro...

  • 04.07 2023

    Global Environmental Changes and Green Development

    Erik Solheim is a well-known global leader on environment and development.  He served as Norwegian minister of Environment and International Development from 2005-2012.  During that period, he initiated the global program for conservation of rainforests and brought through  game changing National legislation - among them the Biodiversity Act and legislation to protect Oslo city  forests. He bro...

  • 06.20 2022

    【MarinAS-4】The magic of the term 'Blue Carbon' in climate change mitigation and its relation to biodiversity and the Sustainable Development Goals

    Tim Jennerjahn is a Senior Scientist and head of the working group "Ecological Biogeochemistry" at the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research in Bremen, Germany. He is trained in geology and biogeochemistry at the University of Hamburg. His research focuses on the biogeochemical response of coastal aquatic systems to environmental change and 'Blue Carbon' storage in tropical regions at pre...

  • 05.20 2022

    【MarinAS-3】Ocean Governance and Marine Spatial Planning

    Stephen Jay  (BSc, MA, PhD, MRTPI) is a Reader at the University of Liverpool in the UK, where he specialises in the implementation of maritime spatial planning (MSP). He has researched and published widely on its development, including its implementation in several European nations.  Stephen has led many projects on MSP and has frequently acted as an international expert.  He is also co-founde...

  • 05.07 2022

    【MarinAS-2】Human impact on coasts: what has gone right and wrong

    Professor Xiao Hua Wang graduated from Ocean University of China, and holds a PhD in Physical Oceanography from James Cook University in Australia. He is the Co-leader of the Sino-Australian Research Consortium for Coastal Management (SARCCM), University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia, and an associate editor for Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (IF= 2.333 Q1) and Limnology and Oceano...

  • 09.01 2018

    Prof. Xue Xiongzhi Visited IPB and UGM in Indonesia

    Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK), IPB and COMI have a solid foundation for collaboration. Dr. Luky Arianto, Dean of FPIK is currently the Associate Chair of the 4th COMI International Ac...

  • 11.16 2017

    COMI IAAC Meeting 2017 was held this November

    Following the meeting agenda, Prof. Xiongzhi Xue, Executive Director of COMI, delivered briefing about COMI activities in the past two years, and summarized COMI抯 progress on education, scientific re...

  • 11.15 2017

    COMI organized several workshops during the WOW2017

    Besides the main forum, COMI has also co-organized two high level academic workshops. On November 4th, the 2nd International Workshop on Marine Disaster Prevention and Mitigation was held in Wyndham G...

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