
  • 09.29 2018


    2 Cai, M.G., Lin, Y., Chen, M., Yang, W.F., Du, H.H., Xu, Y., Cheng, S.Y., Xu, F.J., Hong, J.J., Chen, M., Ke, H.W. Improved source apportionment of PAHs and Pb by integrating Pb stable isotopes...

  • 10.16 2017


    龚文娟,方秦华. 重化工项目环境风险评价与公众风险接纳研究. 中国地质大学学报(社会科学版), 2017, (1): 89-99. 龚文娟,沈珊. 系统信任对环境风险认知的影响-以公众对垃圾处理的风险认知为例. 长白学刊, 20...

  • 10.16 2017


    3、彭本荣, 郑冬梅,洪荣标,杨薇,饶欢欢. 海洋环境经济政策:理论与实践. 北京:中国海洋出版社,2015. 4、叶璐,张珞平著. 河口区海洋环境监测与评价一体化研究——以珠江口为例. 海洋出版社,2015.9. I...

  • 06.16 2015


  • 04.22 2014


    14、Mu Rong, Zhang Ran, Zhang Luoping, Fang Qinhua, Chen Weiqi, Paolo F. Ricci, Zhang Yifan, Huang Chunxiu, Yu Zheng, Wu Kankan, Cai Jingshan, Yu Weiwei. Study on technology of Eco-compensation of Pri...

  • 03.27 2013


    44. Zhou Zengrong, Huang Jinliang, Zhou Pei. A New Approach to Identify Systematic Land Transitions: Pinghe County Case, Southeast China. Journal of Subtropical Resources and Environment,2...

  • 06.21 2012


    42、Zhou Zengrong, Huang Jinliang, Hong Junming, Huang Yaling and Feng Yuan. Measuring Land-use Transition in Three Time Intervals: Case Study in Pinghe County, Southeast China. Proceedings--The Inter...

  • 11.02 2010


    9. Huang Jinliang, Li Qingsheng, Wang Juying, Hu Yingying, Lin Jie. Delineation of Watershed and Estuarine Drainage Areas for Major Rivers Discharge into Coastal Waters in China. 2010 International F...

  • 01.05 2010


    31. Jing-Li Mu, Xin-Hong Wang, Jian-Qing Lin, Xiao-Long Lin, Hua-Sheng Hong. Effects of benzo[a]pyrene exposure on hepatic GST activity in black porgy (Sparus macrocephalus) and variation relationship...

  • 01.02 2009


    31. Wang, X.H., H.S. Hong, J.L. Mu, J.Q. Lin and S.H. Wang. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) metabolites in marine fishes as a specific biomarker to indicate PAH pollution in the marine coastal e...

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