About COMI

The Coastal and Ocean Management Institute (COMI) was established in Oct. 2005, as a special initiative by Xiamen University to contribute to human resource needs as well as to promote interdisciplinary and cross-boundary research in coastal and ocean management. COMI has the added advantage of the availability of relevant multidisciplinary expertise within the university system, as well as several national and provincial oceanographic and fisheries research institutions located nearby.


COMI’s goal is to develop into a national and regional center of excellence in coastal and ocean governance for the sustainable development of river-basins, coasts, islands, seas and oceans. The proposed goal requires considerable efforts to be made in institutional capacity building and delivery of outputs relevant to sustainable coastal development.


Contribute to the development of national and regional capacity in ocean governance and to support national and international efforts in coastal and ocean management at local, national, regional and global levels.

Promote and undertake interdisciplinary, ecosystem-based and cross-sectoral research towards generating policy and management options for the sustainable use of coastal and marine resources, as well as for the conservation of biological diversity and protection of the functional integrity of coastal and marine ecosystems against unregulated human activities.

Promote and develop, where needed, approaches, methods and tools that enhance inter-agency and multi-sector coordination, as well as policy and functional integration at all levels of governance.

Research Scopes

1、Coastal and Ocean Policy and Legislation Program

This Program is designed to meet the pressing need for better knowledge and skills in coastal and ocean policy development, particularly in most developing coastal nations of the world. The Program will undertake research that will contribute to national and local policy development, national and local ordinances formulation as well as undertake studies that will contribute to the implementation of international maritime and other ocean related conventions. The Program will also conduct policy research related to coastal and island reclamation, coastal urbanization and EEZ management.

2、 Integrated Coastal Management and Transboundary Research Program

This Program is designed to meet the increasing demand inChinaand Southeast Asia for technical skills and knowledge in integrated management of coastal areas. ICM is one of the tools/approaches recommended by UN and international organizations for implementing coast related international conventions in such areas as biodiversity, code of conduct for responsible fisheries, Global Plan of Action on Marine Pollution (GPA) and climate change. The Program will undertake research on ICM to further improve its concept, relevance, application and practices, in particular its geographical and functional scaling up through ecosystem-wide management.

3、Marine Economics, Resource Valuation and Environmental Accounting Program

This Program is designed to develop or apply current resource valuation techniques to assess the direct and indirect economic value of natural resources in certain areas. In particular, the Program will focus on research that could provide local governments with the needed information on the values of their local natural resources, and their contribution to the local economy to enable them to make wise and strategic policy and management decisions. The Program will also embark on environmental accounting activities to assess trade-offs between economic development and environmental protection. Research will also provide knowledge and information pertaining to the implementation of the polluter pays principle and in particular determination of responsibility and compensation schemes. Proper accounting of the contributions of coastal and marine sectors to the national or local GDP will also be undertaken.

4、Island Sustainable Development Program

This Program takes as its objects of study the history, culture, economy, resources and ecology that are related to the development of islands along Chinas coastal provinces and other countries and regions in East Asia and, combining regional industrial development planning and spatial layout, explores the optimal theory and practice for islands respective development on the premise of environmental protection. The Program conducts diversified forms of cooperation with national and local governments ocean and island management branches, related universities, scientific research institutions, enterprises, national and regional governments and non-governmental organizations concerned about the development of oceans (islands), with whom it collaborates to study new modes of differentiated and targeted island development. The Program also provides various decision consulting services and technical support for the sustainable development of local, national and eastern areas’ islands. Currently the Program is concentrating on the development of island resources evaluation technology and exploration and development plans of island culture.

5、Human Resource Development Program

This Program is designed to meet the high demand for technical skills and knowledge for coastal and ocean governance and implementation of issue- or area-specific action plans. Human capacity disparity between and within nations, especially at the local level, is extremely serious in most regional seas. The purpose of the Program is to consolidate its current activities and reorientate its direction towards capacity building at local and national levels to plan and manage coastal and marine areas. The Program will undertake both formal and non-formal training with a long term view to contributing to the development of a critical group of expertise for coastal and ocean management in the region.