The 5th Yingxue Forum is Successfully Held on Forum, December 23, 2011

Jan 13, 2012

The fifth Yingxue Forum was called up by Center for Oceans Policy and Law, COMI and hosted by center director, Prof. Xiaoqin Zhu. Prof. Huasheng Hong, the chief scientist of COMI, gave an opening remarks saying that the marine industry has obtained increasing public attention in recent years, which is particularly reflected in the 揟welfth Five-Year Plan? thus it was meaningful to invite experts from the area of oceans law to share their knowledge and experience with teachers and students in the Yingxue Forum platform. Followed were presentations from the invited experts. Mr. Zhimin Pan, the head of Regulation Division, Fujian Provincial Department of Ocean and Fisheries, gave a presentation focusing on the occupation and compensation of marine fishery water area and mudflat. Based on the experience of Fujian Province, Mr. Pan introduced through three aspects, the occupation of marine fishery water area and mudflat and its influence, implementation and exploration of compensation system, and the orientation and approaches of compensation system. Mr. Xiangqian Zhong, section chief of Regulation Division of Xiamen Municipal Department of Ocean and Fisheries, made a presentation on the difficulties in guaranteeing fisheries rights in sea area utilization dispute. He analyzed the difficulties that fishermen faced to realize their rights and discussed possible solutions. Mr. Junqiang Xu, an experienced judge from Xiamen Maritime Court, interpreted the legal issues of compensation to marine pollution by analyzing relevant marine environmental pollution cases, and pointed out the malpractice and common difficulties in relevant laws.

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