The 4th Yingxue Forum is Successfully Held on Forum, July 22, 2011

Jan 13, 2012

The 4th Yingxue Forum invited 6 experts to give keynote speech. Mr. Cai Wanghua, the senior Engineer of EIC introduced the methods of the National First Census of Pollution Sources, and the analyzed Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Water Pollution in Jiulong River Basin with the data from Census, especially the pollution condition of COD, ammonia nitrogen, petroleum and chromium in the watershed. Dr. Zhang Yuzhen, the researcher of AEC introduced the Environmental Capacity and Total Control of Water Environment in Jiulong River Basin. Prof. Chen Bin, the section chief of TIO, SOA, demonstrated the assessment and planning methods and decision-making support systems of Marine Biodiversity Conservation Based on Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Dr. Peng Benrong from COMI, XMU analyzed implementation gaps of Integrated Management of Jiulong River Watershed Program, and also the technique and institutional roots of these gaps through assessment of current watershed programs in China. Dr. Chen Fang from School of Public Affairs of XMU presented the System and Mechanism of Integrated Watershed Management. Lastly, Mr. Li Yanchun, the section chief from Legislative Affairs Commission of FPPC demonstrated the progression of Legislation of Integrated Watershed Management in Fujian Province, especially, introduced the responsibility of various levels of government agency, cooperation, coordination and incentives mechanism established in the on going legislation.

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