
  • 01.22 2019

    List of Supervisors for Master of Marine Affairs, 2019

    List of Supervisors for Master of Marine Affairs, 2019 Note: Applicants for Master of Marine Affairs program could confirm your supervisor after admission. No. Name Research Direction Email 1...

  • 01.22 2019

    List of Ph.D. Supervisors of Marine Affairs, 2019

    List of Ph.D. Supervisors of Marine Affairs, 2019 Note: Applicants for Ph.d. in Marine Affairs program are encouraged to confirm your supervisor before application. No. Name Research Direction ...

  • 12.29 2016

    Chinese Government Postgraduate Scholarship 2017

    Application time: Feb. to March, 2017 1. Introduction The “Chinese Government Scholarship -- University Postgraduate Programme”, a full scholars...

  • 12.29 2016

    Fujian Provincial Government Scholarship-2017

    Application time: Feb 1st to May 15th, 2017 1. Introduction In order to attract more international students to study in Fujian Province and to prom...

  • 12.29 2016

    SINO-US Cultural Exchange Scholarship 2017

    Application deadline: Feb.1st to April 15th, 2017 1. Introduction This programme is sponsored by the Ministry of Education of China, in response to...

  • 12.29 2016

    Chinese Government Marine Scholarship (full scholarship)2017

    Application Time: Feb.1 – April 15, 2017 1. Introduction In order to enhance international cooperation and exchange, to promote the ocean developm...

  • 12.29 2016

    Xiamen University Scholarship-2017.doc

    Application time: Feb. 1- April 30, 2017 1. Introduction XMU offers scholarships to doctoral, master’s and undergraduate candidates. Scholarship a...

  • 02.25 2016

    Chinese Government Marine Scholarship 2016

    Application Time: Feb.1 – April 15, 2016 1. Introduction In order to enhance international cooperation and exchange, to promote the ocean developm...

  • 02.25 2016

    Chinese Government Scholarship-University Postgraduate Program 2016

    Application time: Feb. 1 to March 31, 2016 1. Introduction The “Chinese Government Scholarship -- University Postgraduate Programme”, a full scholarship...

  • 02.25 2016

    Chinese Government Scholarship: Sino-US Cultural Scholarship 2016

    Application deadline: Feb.1st to April 15th, 2016 1. Introduction This programme is sponsored by the Ministry of Education of China, in response t...

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