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Mangrove forests in shape of

Apr 24, 2017

In Xiangan district of Xiamen City, southeast Chinas Fujian Province, there is a wonderful sight with birds
Mangrove forests planted on the beach have formed a giant picture of "I love China".
In Xiang’an district of Xiamen, there is a wonderful sight with bird’s eye view: man-made mangrove forests on the beach with shape “ I love China”.
Soundbite (Chinese): Lu Changyi, professor
We began the project in 2012. When I got the task, I felt pressure because the total number of the beach is
600 mu. After a series of plan discussion, we chose “ I love China” plan. There is a English letter I, and a heart
shape which means love. The largest island, as large as 18 football courts, is designed with five five pointed
stars, the same as the national flag.
To grow mangrove on the beach is a tough task, however, to design the five pointed stars is even tougher.
Soundbite (Chinese): Lu Changyi, professor
It is a solemn work to plant mangroves with the shape of five pointed star. We followed the requirement of
national flag: the four five pointed stars’ angles are focusing on the direction of the center of the big one. In
addition, one of the big star’s angle will head for the direction of Tian’an men Square. It is very difficult to do
this. We used GPS to fix the location, and use flags to determine the point. After that we put lines and plant
the mangroves in accordance with the lines.
To make the shape more clear, Lu Changyi’s team specially introduced different mangroves.
Soundbite (Chinese): Lu Changyi, professor
The local mangrove is shorter and growing slower, and we introduced higher and growing faster ones. After a
period of time, there is a vision drop between the local ones and the introduced. Then, the shape became clear.
After the planting, the beach became beautiful. Mangrove forest had withdrawn much pollution. Moreover, they
improved the whole ecosystem.
Soundbite (Chinese): Lu Changyi, professor
I believe it is meaningful to do this. We hope our action will raise the public’s awareness to protect the
mangrove forest and improve the national maritime ecosystem.
It is said that the beach would be designed as a mangrove forest eco-park in 2020.
Reproduced from CNCNEWS:

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