A Cooperation Agreement Was Signed Between COMI and IMARM of Taiwan Ocean University During the Fifth Strait Forum

Jun 26, 2013

On June 15th, 2013, the Cross-strait Workshop on Marine Science and Technology of Fifth Strait Forum was held in the Sciences and Arts Center of Xiamen University, COMI is one of the co-organizers. In the opening ceremony of the forum, a cooperation agreement on education and research of marine affairs between COMI and the Institute of Marine Affairs and Resource Management of Taiwan Ocean University (IMARM) was signed by Prof. Xue Xiongzhi, Executive Director of COMI, and Prof. Zhuang Qingda, Director of IMARM of Taiwan Ocean University. Under this agreement, education exchange and research cooperation will be strengthened on the basis of existing communication between the two institutes by jointly organizing academic conference each year, teachers and students?short-term exchanging, and cooperation of research program and so on. After the workshop, COMI and IMARM members also had a cordial discussion on the details of effective agreement implementation.

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