
  • 06.06 2023

    Improving daily streamflow simulations for data-scarce watersheds using the coupled SWAT-LSTM approach

    Shengyue Chen, Jinliang Huang, Jr-Chuan HuangJournal of Hydrology July 2023AbstractThere is a scarcity of streamflow data owing to the limited availability of gauge networks or delayed gauging in most parts of the world. To overcome this challenge and reproduce long-duration daily streamflow in both ungauged and poorly...

  • 05.30 2023

    Ecological Risks of Emerging Pollutants in Urbanizing Regions

    Yonglong Lu, Pei Wang, Jingjing Yuan this bookThis book characterizes the major pollution patterns of emerging contaminants, such as sources, emission effluents, temporal and spatial distributions, multi-media transportation and transformation processes, exposure...

  • 04.19 2023

    How Indonesian marine protected areas (MPAs) are doing: A management performance-based evaluation

    Lusita Meilana, Qinhua Fang*, Handoko Adi Susanto, Ririn Widiastutik, Dedy Eka Syaputra, Harrison Odion Ikhumhen, Rusdatus Sholihah, Amehr Hakim*, Suzhen Yang, Zhenghua LiuBiological Conservation June 2023 AbstractAccording to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) post-2020 global biodiversity framework, marine conservation activities...

  • 03.09 2023

    Quantitative assessment of the response of seawater environmental quality to marine protection policies under regional economic development --A case study of Xiamen Bay, China

    Piao Chen, Huorong Chen, Kai Chen, Hongwei Ke, Minggang CaiMarine Environmental Research April 2023AbstractXiamen is the epitome of having steady economic growth and non-negligible environmental stress over decades. Several restoration programs have been applied to address the conflicts between heavy environmental pressures and human acti...

  • 09.29 2018


    2 Cai, M.G., Lin, Y., Chen, M., Yang, W.F., Du, H.H., Xu, Y., Cheng, S.Y., Xu, F.J., Hong, J.J., Chen, M., Ke, H.W. Improved source apportionment of PAHs and Pb by integrating Pb stable isotopes...

  • 09.26 2018

    Research programs 2017

    序号No.项目名称Project Title资助单位Funding Agent课题负责人Principal Investigator起止时间Period合同经费(万元)Budget (10K)1我国近海几种生境微型鞭毛虫多样性及群落结构的比较研究国家基金面上项目黄凌风2017.01-2020.12712亚热带河流-河口界面氨氮污染转运的主控过程国家基金面上项目陈能汪2017.01-2020.12713高强度围填海区域景观弹性测度与可持续转型途径研究国家基金面上项目李杨帆2017.01-2020.12754滨海湿地红树...

  • 10.16 2017


    龚文娟,方秦华. 重化工项目环境风险评价与公众风险接纳研究. 中国地质大学学报(社会科学版), 2017, (1): 89-99. 龚文娟,沈珊. 系统信任对环境风险认知的影响-以公众对垃圾处理的风险认知为例. 长白学刊, 20...

  • 10.16 2017


    3、彭本荣, 郑冬梅,洪荣标,杨薇,饶欢欢. 海洋环境经济政策:理论与实践. 北京:中国海洋出版社,2015. 4、叶璐,张珞平著. 河口区海洋环境监测与评价一体化研究——以珠江口为例. 海洋出版社,2015.9. I...

  • 08.02 2017

    Research programs 2016

    国家重点研发计划“典型脆弱生态修复与保护研究” 重点专项 曹文志 2016.7- 2020.6 2600 闽三角城市群生态安全格局网络设计及安全保障技术集成与示范 (参与)国家重点研发计划“典型脆弱生态修复与保护研究”...

  • 09.28 2016

    Research programs 2015

    漳州核电厂海域环境监测场地设备使用与技术咨询 中国科学研究院东海水产研究所 蔡明刚 2015.11.1-2017.12.31 55 厦门市2015年区长生态文明建设和环境保护目标责任制考核土壤环境质量监测与评价 厦门市环境监测...