Finance and taxation; State-owned Assets Management and Assets Appraisal
LAI Xiaoqiong
Professor, Doctoral Supervisor
Neo-political economics, history of foreign economic thoughts and Chinese unemployment issue
LIANG Zhongyao
Associate Professor
Eco-Environmental Data Science; Environmental Planning and Management; Macrosystems Limnology; Water-air carbon flux
LI Jianghui
Offshore Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS); Bubble Acoustics and Signal Processing; Underwater Acoustic Communications
LI Ming
Biology of hermaphroditic fishes;Biodiversity and conservation of reef fishes;Biodiversity and conservation of sciaenids (Sciaenidae);Hatchery of marine ornamental fishes and shrimps;Ecology of hard corals
LIN Jihong
MNCs and FDI, international business, european economy and finance, international political and economic relationship