LIN Jihong Professor

Academy: School of Economics, Xiamen University




Research Interests: MNCs and FDI, international business, european economy and finance, international political and economic relationship

Prof. Lin Jihong, Male, Ph.D of Economics, Deputy Director Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of the Department of International Economics and Business, School of Economics, Xiamen University, P.R. of China. Professor Lin Jihong is a member of the editorial board of Economic Issues in China and also a member of the Council of China Society of World Economics.

Supported by government fund, professor Lin was once working as an academic visitor at the Department of Management and Economics, TU Berlin, Germany during 1997-1998, and at the School of Business, University of Reading, UK during 2005-2006. Areas of interests cover MNCs and FDI, International Business, European Economy and Finance, International Political and Economic Relationship etc. He gives lectures in International Investment and International Business for the undergraduate students. Meanwhile he offers courses for postgraduates in MNCs Studies and the World Economy. Besides, he gives lectures of Economic Issues in Contemporary China for the international programmes.

Since 2000, he has published one monograph MNCs Strategic Alliances, one textbook International Business and translated 4 books from English into Chinese, such as Wikinomics. His academic papers are published in the core journals such as the Journal of World Economy, Economic Issues in China, Economic Management, Nankai Business Review, Journal of International Trade, etc.

He has won the excellent prize for social sciences achievements in Fujian province and got the honour of Fujian’s New Century Talented Academist. He also takes charge of some important research projects of ministrial and provincial level.