LIU Zhiyu Professor

Academy: College of Ocean and Earth Sciences




Research Interests: dynamical interpretation and prediction of multi-scale oceanic processes and phenomena as revealed by observations and numerical simulations

Brief CV

B.Sc. (Phys. Oceanogr.), Ocean University of China (2004)

Visiting Student (with Iossif Lozovatsky), Arizona State University, USA (Feb.–May 2006)

Visiting Student (with Stephen Thorpe FRS), Bangor University, UK (2007–2009)

Ph.D. (Phys. Oceanogr.), Ocean University of China (2009)

Assistant Professor, Xiamen University (2009–2010)

Associate Professor, Xiamen University (2010–2015)

Visiting Scientist (with Marina Lévy), UPMC (Paris VI), France (2013–2014)

Professor of Oceanography, Xiamen University (2015–)

Vis. Sr. Res. Fellow (with Trevor McDougall FRS), UNSW Sydney, Australia (Sep. 2017–Feb. 2018)

Visiting Scientist (Program Participant), KITP, UCSB, USA (Apr. 2018)

Research Interests

The Dynamical Oceanography Group (DyOG) of Xiamen University, of which Prof. Zhiyu Liu is the head, seeks to advance dynamical interpretation and prediction of multi-scale oceanic processes and phenomena as revealed by observations and numerical simulations. The researches conducted by DyOG are mostly process-oriented and grounded in fundamental geophysical fluid dynamics. Ocean dynamics at scales around and below the deformation radius (i.e., the oceanic small to meso-scales) is a particular focus of DyOG.

Topics with ongoing research efforts: ocean turbulence and mixing, geophysical instabilities, ocean scale interactions and energy transfers/cascades, internal waves, upper ocean dynamics, wave-turbulence/vortex decomposition/interactions, water mass transformation and overturning circulation

Professional Experience

Secretary, AOGS Ocean Sciences Section (2012–2014)

Acting Dean, Department of Physical Oceanography, Xiamen University (2013–2018)

Assistant Editor-in-Chief, Acta Oceanologica Sinica (2016–

Editor, Journal of Oceanography (2017–)

Member, AOGS Publication Committee (2017–)

Associate Editor, Frontiers in Marine Science (2018–)

Associate Dean, College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University (2019.01–)

Guest Editor, Ocean Dynamics (2019–2020)

Full Member, SCOR WG160: Analysing ocean turbulence observations to quantify mixing (ATOMIX) (2020–)

Editor, Geoscience Letters (2021–)

Editor, Ocean Dynamics (2021–)

Associate Director, State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (Xiamen University) (2022.01–)

Selected Papers

Hu Z.†, Lin H.*, Liu Z.* et al. (2023), Observations of a filamentous intrusion and vigorous submesoscale turbulence within a cyclonic mesoscale eddy, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53(6), 1615–1627.

Wang C.†, Liu Z.*, and Lin H. (2023), A simple approach for disentangling vortical and wavy motions of oceanic flows, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 53(5), 1237–1249.

Bai X., Lamb K.G., Liu Z.* et al. (2023), Intermittent generation of internal solitary-like waves on the northern shelf of the South China Sea, Geophysical Research Letters, 50(6), e2022GL102502.

Wang C.†, Liu Z.*, and Lin H. (2023), On dynamical decomposition of multiscale oceanic motions, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 15(3), e2022MS003556.

Wang C.†, Liu Z.*, and Lin H.* (2022), Interpreting consequences of inadequate sampling of oceanic motions, Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 7(5), 385–391.

Bai X.†, Lamb K.G., Hu J.*, and Liu Z.* (2021), On tidal modulation of the evolution of internal solitary-like waves passing through a critical point, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 51(8), 2533–2552.

Lin H., Liu Z.* et al. (2020), Characterizing meso- to submesoscale features in the South China Sea, Progress in Oceanography, 188, 102420.

Liu Z.* et al. (2017), Weak thermocline mixing in the North Pacific low-latitude western boundary current system, Geophysical Research Letters, 44(20), 10,530–10,539.

Liu Z.*, Thorpe S.A., and Smyth W.D. (2012), Instability and hydraulics of turbulent stratified shear flows, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 695, 235–256.

Liu Z.* (2010), Instability of baroclinic tidal flow in a stratified fjord, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 40(1), 139–154. (See or ResearchGate for a full list of publications with citation metrics.)