TAN Qiaoguo Professor

Academy: College of the Environment and Ecology

Email: tanqg@xmu.edu.cn



Research Interests: Modeling and prediction of metal risks in estuarine ecosystems; Toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic models for predicting metal bioaccumulation and toxicity; Biomonitoring of coastal marine environments ; Shellfish food safety

Brief CV

BSc, Department of Environmental Engineering, Nanjing University (2000-2004)

PhD, Department of Biology, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (2006-2010)

Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Oceanography, Xiamen University (2011-2013)

Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry, Montreal University (2012.09-12)

Associate Professor, College of the Environment & Ecology, Xiamen University (2013-2021)

Professor, College of the Environment & Ecology, Xiamen University (2021-present)

Research Interests

Modeling and prediction of metal risks in estuarine ecosystems

Toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic models for predicting metal bioaccumulation and toxicity

Biomonitoring of coastal marine environments

Shellfish food safety

Research Funding

2020-2023 “Mechanisms underlying the interspecies differences in cadmium bioaccumulation in common marine mussels and oysters of China”. Project from National Natural Science Foundation (41977347), 610,000 RMB, Role: PI.

2015-2018 “An improved biotic ligand model for predicting the toxicity of Cu and Zn to estuarine organisms”. Project from National Natural Science Foundation (21477099), 900,000 RMB, Role: PI.

2012-2016 “Biokinetics and toxicity of heavy metals in estuarine organisms from southern China”. Key Project from National Natural Science Foundation (21237002), 3,000,000 RMB, Role: Co-PI.

Research Funding

Chen, W.-Q., Wang, W.-X., Tan Q.-G.* (2017). Revealing the complex effects of salinity on copper toxicity in an estuarine clam Potamocorbula laevis with a toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic model. Environmental Pollution 222: 323–330.

Tan, Q.-G., Zhou, W., Wang W.-X.* (2018). Modeling the toxicokinetics of multiple metals in the oyster Crassostrea hongkongensis in a dynamic estuarine environment. Environmental Science & Technology 52: 484–492.

Tan, Q.-G.*, Lu, S., Chen R., Peng J. (2019). Making acute tests more ecologically relevant: cadmium bioaccumulation and toxicity in an estuarine clam under various salinities modeled in a toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic framework. Environmental Science & Technology 53: 2873–2880.

Lin Z., Fan X., Huang J., Chen R., Tan Q.-G.* (2020). Intertidal mussels do not stop metal bioaccumulation even when out of water: Cadmium toxicokinetics in Xenostrobus atratus under influences of simulated tidal exposure. Environmental Pollution 261:114192.

Zhong, G., Lu, S., Chen, R., Chen, N., & Tan, Q.-G.* (2020). Predicting risks of cadmium toxicity in salinity-fluctuating estuarine waters using the toxicokinetic–toxicodynamic model. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(21), 13899-13907.

Liang, W. Q., Xie, M., & Tan, Q. G.* (2021). Making the Biotic Ligand Model kinetic, easier to develop, and more flexible for deriving water quality criteria. Water Research, 188, 116548.

Lin, Z., Xu, X., Xie, M., Chen, R., & Tan, Q.-G.* (2021). Measuring metal uptake and loss in individual organisms: a novel double stable isotope method and its application in explaining body size effects on cadmium concentration in mussels. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(14), 9979-9988.

Awards and Honors

2015-2018 “An improved biotic ligand model for predicting the toxicity of Cu and Zn to estuarine organisms”. Project from National Natural Science Foundation (21477099), 900,000 RMB, Role: PI.

2012-2016 “Biokinetics and toxicity of heavy metals in estuarine organisms from southern China”. Key Project from National Natural Science Foundation (21237002), 3,000,000 RMB, Role: Co-PI.