LI Yi Associate Professor

Academy: College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University




Research Interests: Ecological/environmental modelling, Landscape ecology, Urban ecological resilience, Urban Land-Water Systems

Educational Background

Associate Professor


College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University

Postdoc Researcher


Xiamen University, Xiamen

Visiting scholar


National Taiwan University



Georg-August University of Göttingen, Germany



Nanjing University



Guilin University of Technology

Research Interests

Ecological/environmental modelling, Landscape ecology, Urban ecological resilience, Urban Land-Water Systems

(Research interests and expertise in remote sensing, geo-computation, spatial/spatiotemporal statistics and programming languages are highly desirable)

Courses Structure

Landscape ecology (Undergraduate)

Selected Publications

Li, Y., Yin, B.C., Li, Y. F. 2019. Early warning signal of landscape connectivity and resilience in natural climate solutions. Land Degradation & Development. 30:73-83.

Li, Y. F., Lin, J.Y., Timothy N., Li, Y.* 2019. Developing a resilience assessment framework for Urban Land–Water System. Land Degradation & Development. 30:1107-1120.

Li, Y., Li, Y. F., Kappas, M., Pavao-Zuckerman M. 2018. Identifying the key catastrophic variables of urban social-environmental resilience and early warning signal. Environment International. 113:184-190.

Li, Y., Li, Y. F., Kappas, M. 2018. Exploring the coastal urban resilience and transformation of coupled human-environment systems. Journal of Cleaner Production. 195: 1505-1511.

Li, Y., Qiu, J. H., Li, Z., Li, Y. F. 2018. Assessment of blue carbon storage loss in coastal wetlands under rapid reclamation. Sustainability. 10, 2818.

Li, Y.*, Degener, J., Li, Y. F., Gaudreau, M., Kappas, M. 2016. Adaptive capacity based water quality resilience transformation and policy implications in rapidly urbanizing landscapes. Science of the Total Environment. 569-570:168-178.

Li, Y., Li, Y. F., Qureshi, S., Kappas, M., Hubacek, K. 2015. On the relationship between landscape ecological patterns and water quality across gradient zones of rapid urbanization in coastal China. Ecological Modelling. 318:100-108.

Wang, Q. L., Li, Y., Li, Y. F. 2018. Integrated analysis of coastal land-water-biodiversity nexus, Xiamen ICM implications. Ocean and Coastal Management, Online.

Li, Y. F., Li, Y., Wu, W. 2016. Threshold and resilience management of coupled urbanization and water environmental system in the rapidly changing coastal region. Environmental Pollution. 208:87-95.

Research Programmes

National Natural Science Foundation of China. Configuring landscape connectivity and resilient corridor based on Panarchy theory in rapid coastal urbanizing area. 2018-2020, No.41701205. PI

China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. Modelling the key catastrophic variables of water system and its application in managing water quality competition in urban watershed. 2018-2019, No.2018T110646. PI

China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. Configuring the spatial-temporal resilience transformation of water quality in the coastal area and land-ocean interface China. 2017-2019 (First Grade), No. 2017M610394. PI

Honors and Awards

2019       NASA-MSU Professional Enhancement Awards

2016-2019  Postdoctoral International Exchange Program (Incoming Postdoc)

2012-2015  Doctoral Scholarship from China Scholarship Council