
  • 01.23 2024

    【南强讲座】Making the most of blue carbon opportunities

    个人简介:Catherine E. Lovelock教授,澳大利亚桂冠教授,澳大利亚昆士兰大学理学院、环境学院教授。Catherine E. Lovelock教授是澳大利亚科学院院士。她的研究重点是气候变化对沿海湿地的影响以及沿海生态系统在缓解气候变化和蓝碳方面的作用。Lovelock教授特别感兴趣的是红树林生态学,以及海平面上升对红树林和红树林生态系统碳储存的影响。作为全球知名的生态学家,她是国际气候变化专门委员会湿地章节(2019年)的主要作...

  • 12.11 2023

    【Marine Affairs Seminars 05|生态与环境讲坛309讲】英文学术论文写作与期刊发表策略

    报告人介绍:刘璐,Cell Reports Sustainability副科学编辑。荷兰格罗宁根大学环境心理学博士,拥有跨学科研究背景,在多份SCI和SSCI期刊以第一作者发表论文。曾在荷兰格罗宁根大学担任讲师、研究生导师和博士后研究员。报告摘要:Cell Press和Cell Reports Sustainability期刊介绍英文期刊编辑部审稿流程介绍如何选取适合自己文章定位的优质英文期刊如何增强在优质英文期刊发表的成功率

  • 11.13 2023


    报告摘要Terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems contain a large number of species and provide a large number of ecosystem services, in particular transformation of solar energy and carbon dioxide into biomass, fueling element cycles, soil formation, climate control and more. The role of biodiversity–ecosystem functioning experiments is to test what would happen if the number of species within an ec...

  • 06.02 2023


    人物介绍西澳大利亚大学生物科学学院荣休教授(Professor Emeritus)、中国农业大学杰出教授(Distinguished Professor)。1979年在荷兰格罗宁根大学(University of Groningen)获得植物生理学博士学位。曾担任荷兰乌得勒支大学(Utrecht University)植物生理生态学教授(1985-2002)和西澳大利亚大学(The University of Western Australia)植物生物学教授(1998-2017)。Hans Lambers教授是国际著名的植物生理生态专家,自...

  • 05.19 2023



  • 06.20 2022

    【MarinAS-04】The magic of the term 'Blue Carbon' in climate change mitigation and its relation to biodiversity and the Sustainable Development Goals

    主讲人简介:Tim Jennerjahn is a Senior Scientist and head of the working group "Ecological Biogeochemistry" at the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research in Bremen, Germany. He is trained in geology and biogeochemistry at the University of Hamburg. His research focuses on the biogeochemical response of coastal aquatic systems to environmental change and 'Blue Carbon' storage in tropical re...

  • 05.20 2022

    【MarinAS-03】Ocean Governance and Marine Spatial Planning

    Stephen Jay  (BSc, MA, PhD, MRTPI) is a Reader at the University of Liverpool in the UK, where he specialises in the implementation of maritime spatial planning (MSP). He has researched and published widely on its development, including its implementation in several European nations.  Stephen has led many projects on MSP and has frequently acted as an international expert.  He is also co-founde...

  • 05.07 2022

    【MarinAS-2】Human impact on coasts: what has gone right and wrong

    主讲人简介:Professor Xiao Hua Wang graduated from Ocean University of China, and holds a PhD in Physical Oceanography from James Cook University in Australia. He is the Co-leader of the Sino-Australian Research Consortium for Coastal Management (SARCCM), University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia, and an associate editor for Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (IF= 2.333 Q1) and Limnolog...

  • 07.01 2019



  • 06.30 2019


    应蔡明刚教授邀请,台湾海洋大学海洋科学与资源学院郑学渊教授于2019年6月27日在海发院开设了一场题为“台湾栽培渔业示范区渔场环境调查研究”的专题讲座。本次讲座由厦门大学环境与生态学院王明华副教授主持。 &nbs...

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