



荷兰皇家艺术与科学学院院士、澳大利亚科学院院士Hans Lambers
2023-06-02 10:00:00


西澳大利亚大学生物科学学院荣休教授(Professor Emeritus)、中国农业大学杰出教授(Distinguished Professor)。1979年在荷兰格罗宁根大学(University of Groningen)获得植物生理学博士学位。曾担任荷兰乌得勒支大学(Utrecht University)植物生理生态学教授(1985-2002)和西澳大利亚大学(The University of Western Australia)植物生物学教授(1998-2017)。

Hans Lambers教授是国际著名的植物生理生态专家,自1992年以来一直担任SCI农学一区Top杂志《Plant and Soil》主编,主要研究领域包括植物矿物质营养,尤其关注磷在自然生境和作物中的循环和利用效率,在Science, Nature和PNAS等期刊发表了超过600篇学术期刊论文,H指数达90(Web of Science,2023年4月)。多年来是全球植物科学和农业科学领域高被引科学家。2018年被国际根系研究协会授予终身成就奖(Lifetime Achievement Award)。主编的权威教科书Plant Physiological Ecology《植物生理生态学》被多个国家的高校选为教材,该书已经已被翻译成汉语和波斯语。


Southwest Australia is a biodiversity hotspot, with the greatest plant diversity on severely phosphorus-impoverished soils. Non-mycorrhizal plant families (e.g., Proteaceae) feature prominently on the poorest soils, and are uncommon on richer soils.

The ecological success of Proteaceae on severely impoverished soils can be explained by two traits. Almost all Proteaceae produce cluster roots, which mobilise the scarcely-available but essential element, phosphorus. Australian Proteaceae also use phosphorus very efficiently in photosynthesis, and show a tremendous capacity to remobilise it from senescing leaves.

But the Proteaceae are only one component of the extraordinary plant diversity. Why do species with a less effective phosphorus-acquisition strategy coexist with ones that are far superior in extracting phosphorus from our extremely poor soils? Facilitation by neighbours definitely plays a role, and nutrients mobilised by Proteaceae are also used by neighbours without this strategy. It is only part of the story, however, and we are unlocking the next chapter of how native parasites (oomycetes or water-moulds) also contribute to the megadiversity in the southwest.
